The associates of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) have actually made a revolution in the development of computer system which is able to independently detect and correct defects and pathologies in human organs and tissue!
The Institute has produced analogue – free diagnostic equipment which enables to keep a close watch on all the stages in the transition from health to illness, via fluctuating wave characteristics of body tissue and even individual cells or chromosomes. Non-linear diagnostics system are the most advanced medical technologies which presently, on the threshold of the 21st century, can be considered the most wonderful and promising achievements is medicine, they comprise unique diagnosis equipment based on spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields in living organisms. NLS affords an opportunity to receive the most detailed information on health or the earliest disease manifestation, including cancer conditions, which is hardly possible in using other investigation techniques, such as ultrasound investigation, X – Ray examination, computer – aided tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) et al., which can only detect a developed condition.
A great number of experiments carried out at the IPP confirm a close relationship between magnetic fields and biological system with the fields being used in biological system as a means of extra – and intracellular interaction. The vortex magnetic fields are of importance to information transfer and interaction with biological system. How do biological systems recognize and pick out the necessary information from the background noise and in what way do intra – and extra – cellular communications take place? The research on energetic fields around living plants and animals that was done at the Institute has brought to the conclusion that around biological systems there exist an exceedingly weak low – frequency magnetic fields. In trying to figure out the world of energetic fields we have come close to understanding the phenomenon of the bio-field which people have been aware of from time immemorial with some evidence being found in the Ayur – Veda and traditional Chinese medicine.